Monday, 20 May 2013

Vengurla Rock Lighthouse

Vengurla Rock Lighthouse is about 8 km north from Vengurla port and is approached, during fair seasons only by a mechanized boat to be specially engaged from Vengurla port. The journey takes more than two hours. The steps have been cut in the rock for climbing up from landing point. In olden days ML Vengurla rock served the station.
The coastal region from Vengurla point to Niuti fort in north-west has several high rise rocks inside the sea. The Vengurla rock or Burnt Island consists of a group of rocks rising 20 to 50 m above sea level.
The first Lighthouse was built in 1870 on a nearby rock, to the west of the present rock, in the sea. The lighting apparatus which was to be placed here, did not reach on time and it was necessary to exhibit the light, it was decided to use the log fire as the light source for some time. The kerosene oil lamp in a lantern with 5th order optic was subsequently placed on the tower. The light was shifted to the present location on a 9 m high square masonry tower-painted white in 1890. The double wick lamp inside a 4th order optic and lantern was installed. on this tower. The station was visited by Lighthouse Expert Alan D. Stevenson in April 1927 who suggested to provide a powerful light and a wireless system at the station.

Vengurla Rock Lighthouse

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